Safety Policy

Dev Engineering Services is committed to health and safety and eliminating workplace injuries and illness.

Workplace Health Safety Policy is based on a belief that the wellbeing of people employees at work, or people affected by our work, is a major priority and must be considered during all work performed on our behalf.

People are our most important asset and their health and safety are our greatest responsibility.


The objectives of our Safety Policy are:

  • To achieve an incident-free workplace;
  • Comply and exceed the requirements of all applicable laws, regulations and standards
  • To make sure health and safety is considered in all planning and work activities;
  • To involve our employees in the decision making process through regular communication, consultation and training;
  • To provide a continuous program of education and learning to ensure that our employees work in the safest possible manner;
  • To identify and control all potential hazards in the workplace through hazard identification and risk analysis;
  • To ensure all potential accident / incidents are controlled and prevented;


The success of our health and safety management is dependent on:

  • Proactive planning of all work activities with due consideration given to implementing OH&S controls that are suitable to each given situation;
  • Understanding the total work process and associated OH&S risks;
  • Ensuring the work team is totally committed to achieving our objectives;
  • Ensuring that open and honest communication exists between management and all employees;


Our internal safety program includes:

  • A daily job hazard analysis meeting.
  • All staff and team members are trained to look at safety before beginning any task to reduce risk.
  • All team members are routinely trained and updated on the best industry safety practices.
  • All team members are rewarded for operating in a safe and productive manner.

All team members hours are tracked diligently to prevent fatigue and mitigate the risks related to exhaustion or stress.